The Janatha Estates Development Board (JEDB) was established in 1976 to manage 263 plantations covering 140,000 hectares, after 109 years since the establishment of the first commercial tea plantation in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1867 by James Taylor on Loolecondera Estate, where the longest tea factory in the country is also located.

We currently have around 20,000 hectares of land in different parts of Sri Lanka, and we have 18 estates of tea and rubber, which we manage (16 tea estates and 02 rubber estates). 05 acres of land and buildings on Vauxhall Street, one of the main economic hubs of the city of Colombo, and another 03 hectares of land on Darley Road, Colombo, have been leased out on lease. We own land, tea factories, small power plants, and other economically viable properties.

The JEDB is proud to be managing these two famous plantations in the central highlands of Sri Lanka: Loolecondera and Hantane Estates. In addition, there are many valuable properties that are being managed under the wings of JEDB.

The ‘Janawasama Jana Tea’ brand of the JEDB offers the best quality teas from our plantations in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka. The Tea Museum is also housed in the factory of the Hantane Estate in the hilly capital of Kandy.

JEDB under the Ministry of Plantation & Community Infrastructure


Hon. Samantha Vidyaratne


Ministry of Plantation & Community Infrastructure.


Mr. B.K. Prabath Chandrakeerthi


Ministry of Plantation & Community Infrastructure

Board of Directors - JEDB

  • New-Ch

    Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Deputy Chairman

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Treasury Representative

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Board Director

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    Board Director

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Board Director

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Board Director

  • icon-e1582186515479

    Board Secretary


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