
The "Rubber" Story

During the period of transition from coffee to tea, experiments in a new product, rubber, were being carried out. These experiments proved that various types of rubber yielding trees would flourish in Sri Lanka. However, the industry can be said to have had its birth in 1876 when 1,919 plants of Hevea Braziliensis – the native rubber tree of the Amazon Valley – were received in good condition at the Heneratgoda Botanical Gardens from Kew. It is from these mother trees that the gigantic rubber plantation industry in the Eastern hemisphere sprang. Of the trees planted at the Heneratgoda Botanical Gardens in 1876, the first one flowered in 1881, on which the first experiments in tapping were commenced.

The rubber plantation was thinned out in 1882 and from the 260 seedlings raised the following year and distributed in Sri Lanka, the first spread of commercial rubber planting began. The trees at Heneratgoda were thinned out periodically and by 1887 there were 457 good trees standing which provided the seed for further plantings. In 1890 the Forest Department opened a plantation at Edangoda and by 1893 some 90,000 seeds were distributed for planting and similar numbers were sold in succeeding years.

Currently, about 300,000 acres of rubber is under cultivation with an approximate production of 129 Million Kilograms per year. Sri Lankan rubber plantations produce high-quality natural latex processed products, primarily constituting of Sheet Rubber, Crepe Rubber, and TSR (Technically Specified Rubber).

Sheet Rubber

Sheet rubber is one of the oldest but still most popular types. There are two main types of sheet rubber – Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS) and Air Dried Sheets (ADS). The ribbed smoked sheet is more sought after and available for volume consumption. Ribbed Smoked Sheets consists of coagulated rubber sheets, dried using smoke. RSS sheets are graded according to its color, consistency, and observed impurities.

Crepe Rubber

Crepe rubber is made using a process of coagulation that creates a crinkled rubber texture. The process involves combing coagulated latex with some natural form of coagulum. Thereafter further processed through large rollers. Crepe rubber is most often used for the manufacture of shoe soles and rubber boots and gloves. Depending on the thickness, density, degree of contamination, crepe rubber can be classified in many grades.

TSR (Technically Specified Rubber)

TSR is a newer form of grading rubber that has become popular in the past 30 years. This process grades rubber using technical specifications instead of visual methods.

JEDB Rubber Estates

Currently, we have 03 Rubber estates under JEDB fall into Monaragala group.

  • Monaragala Group

Rubber Extent